Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Compare and Contrast(keith)

Something that is surely similar is both me and Jess spent time together with our families during Chinese New Year and/or Easter. While i meet up with my friends and relatives at my aunt's house, Jess meets up with Leslie and together with his family go to the church to celebrate it. Jess, I think, isn't so happy to spend time with his family as, they are somewhat not so close to his family compared to mine, but maybe with Leslie he is. Also on Christmas, was when Jess got P.T.(Prince Terrien) for Leslie as a pet and I think they were very happy then. During Chinese New Year, my family spends time with my relatives, but for them it was just with the church people. Also, I get "hong baos"(containing money) from my relatives for Chinese New Year, and Jess gets christmas presents( containing toys ) from his parents and a present from Leslie(art set). But still, we both spend time with our familes/ relatives and that is the most important thing during such a festive event.

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