Wednesday, February 27, 2008


I went to my aunts house,which is a pent-house,and she welcomed us parents joined my uncles and aunts in their conversation about the econmy and so,my brother and i joined our cousins in which we talked about school life.after the long and boring conversation with my cousins,we went to the living room to find poker cards. we managed to find some, and sneaked back up without getting suspected. after our game, which took about two hours,we all went up to the roof, for dinner, after our aunt's command.there was a spread on the table, and we helped ourselves to the delicious food.afterwe had our fill, my aunt requested us to sit in a circle to play some socializing games.we had a great time and our jaws were numb due to the weird but funny fact of our aunts and uncles joining us in the games.they were entertaining,as their actions were hilarious.after the games, we bade goodbye.this christmas was the most special because, last time,our christmas parties were filled with the audults gambling and the kids having nothing to do, but this year,we had lots of fun games, and we managed to socialize a little and not on the other hand,sleeping or watching television.i really had a great time.i could never forget this special and meaningful christmas i had spent with my family members -wenjun

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